Nepal Disabled Association-Nepal Orthopaedic Hospital is established in 1998 in a premises of Nepal Disabled Association. The main objective of the hospital is:

  1. Quality orthopaedic and trauma care at affordable price.
  2. Prevention and correction of disability.
  3. Charity to the needy.
  4. Reduce orthopaedic and trauma load from national grid
  5. No profits in the process.
  6. Make healthcare accessible to patients from all socio-economic backgrounds.
  7. Reduce the demand on the national health system for orthopedic and trauma care.
  8. Relieve the national health system's orthopaedic and trauma workload.
  9. When providing assistance, always be considerate of those that need it

dr mukti
It is a charitable hospital categorized by public private partnership; is a non-profit hospital that provides services also for the poor people who can't afford treatment. Free or discounted cost for surgeries categorized by operative procedure, hospital stay, economical status and the category of his illness.

Dr. Muktinath Timilsina

Deputy Medical Director

Dr. Muktinath Timilsina